Monday, March 14, 2016

 Discover the great things,the wonders of those places. Experience the life of being stress free and bring your life to adventure :)

One of the greatest place where you can go. You can experience great people  and a good source of kinds of foods. Stress free place :)



          Good Day! My Blog is all about the places that where I go,that's why it is called "Adventure in Kath". It is compose of my documentary about the places where I've go and discover different things. Have a blast day!

Friday, December 25, 2015


“Great Holiday”

-Holiday is one of the most important days for us because it is a holiday or in other word it is a free day, no works and also no classes. In holiday seasons we do picnics or anything that can make bonding’s. Holidays Christmas Day and New Year, we make notes that remind us of what we will do in holiday seasons. Making list is fun because you are enjoying your time with your families.

My guides or lists to guide or to write to your notes and make bonds with your family and friends:

Ø  Pick a place where you could relax for
Ø  Lists down the foods and other things that you want to bring
Ø  Listen to the music/to you relatives so that you can socialize with them
Ø  Always bring your smile to everyone

-In this short lists you can experience and bonding with everyone that you know. In a little way you can make other people be happy and can enjoy their great time with you. Holiday’s is one of the most important day of my life because twice a week sometimes we spend time with my family so we can more better know each other.

-Spending quality of time to everyone is one of the most communicable ways to understand each other. The way to socialize each person, a way to talk to everyone. LOVE, CARE, and UNDERSTANDING to everybody.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Welcome Post :)

Hi,Hello Everyone ! Welcome to my Blog I hope that you'll enjoy and also be a part to my own Blog. For my welcome post this is short but I'll update it soon :) Please be patient :D 

So my blog is compose of ADVENTURES and some TIPS OF REALITY,contain of pictures with my family and friends. Maybe this blog would be simple but it has creativeness and a meaningful definitions. They say that creativeness is simple but comes to your heart whole heart. Little sentence but has wide explanations. And I know that you would love this blog :)

Sorry for the short post today. Hope you'll understand . have a blast and blessed day everyday :)